Trip Total: 1341.2
Day Total: 61.74
Tm: 3:56
Avg Speed: 15.6
Got up at around 9:00. At the lobby, I had tea and a gözleme and then got on Spithas and after asking around I found a bike store. Yousouf, the owner, was a very friendly guy and after looking at the front wheel concluded that everything was ın order. He just pushed the odemeter magnet a little higher and the annoying sound disappeared. I spent at least one hour chatting with him and with another three guys that insisted that I get teacup after teacup. Yousouf could speak English and German and was able to answer a lot of questions and translate into Turkish lots of words that I badly needed, like to eat, to pay, etc. All the guys wanred me about the road to Anamur being too narrow and windy and not to travel it at night (not my intention anyway.)
Went back to the hotel, packed up, loaded Spithas, and hit the road at 11:15. I was looking to a rather easy day. It was 60 kms till Anamur (Anamyrion) and if I felt like it when I arrived I could go another 25 kms to the next town. Once more, I'm very good at making plans and very bad at putting them to work. The road pavement was really bad. I would assign it a 3 in a scale of 10, and the obama charming the winds technique did not work at all. The wind was very strong and in my face as always. This deadly combination resulted in very low speeds, so that after a while I had already discounted the extra kms to the town after Anamur and was worried that I might not even be able to make it to Amapur itself. The road was no longer along the coast and was going between mountains (ravines??) Despite all the hardship I could not but admire the scenery. A couple of photos will show you what I mean.
I biked on and road turned into coastal road again. Even though the wind had quieted down I could not move fast and there were really lots of high hills. I felt really exhausted. Cannot put my finger on the exact reason, but a fact is a fact. I was exhausted. IN the meantime the scenery was fantastic.
After I made it to the top of a very high hill, going down was so nice. The bad thing is that down, in this case, meant sea level, which in turn meant I would have to start climbing again from ground zero. I stopped to catch my breath before the big climb. I then noticed that the place, Kalenardan, I had stopped was really beautiful. I got lots of pictures.
For the first time in this year's career I pushed the bike and actually went up three quarters of the way pushing. Then I rode the bike and feeling exhausted took another break. Before I made it for the road again I checked the rear wheel and realized that it had lost air. I hoped that it was just my imagination but pumped the wheel anyhow. I kept biking not noticing the beautiful scenery as my mind was on the rear wheel. A couple of kms later a I pumped the wheel again. The problem was real, I figured. At the sign that indicated that there was another 37 kms to my destination the downhill started. What a relief and what happiness!
There were 22 kms left when I hit sea level again. At that point I passed by a pansiyon but made up my mind to continue. My resolve lasted for twenty meters of uphill. I must call it a day, I said to myself. So, I turned around and got a room at the Melleç restaurant and pansiyon. I must have been one of the first customers of the season because they looked totally unprepared. I showered and then had dinner at the restaurant looking forward to tomorrow where the first thing I will need to do will be to replace the inner tube. When I returned to my room I decided to speed things up and proceeded to replace the inner tube. This saved me the morning frustration.
View from the pansiyon
See you tomorrow
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