

At about 20 kms before Antaliya the road turned into a real nice highway. That includes the pavement, as well as the scenery. It had three lanes in each direction and was cutting through a pine forest. See for yourselves.
Trıp Total: 1091.5
Day Total: 81.2
Hit the road rather late. Having to do 60 mostly downhhill kms makes you feel like a king. Again always making plans as if there is nobody else around. The wind and the pavement of the road both were set to destroy me. The wind was strong and as usually blowing into my face and the pavement was close to loose gravel. The combination of those two made the ride unexpectedly difficult. I quote a picture of a sign that warns drivers that gravel may jerked at them from other cars tires and another picture showing three different types of pavement.
Day Total: 81.2
Hit the road rather late. Having to do 60 mostly downhhill kms makes you feel like a king. Again always making plans as if there is nobody else around. The wind and the pavement of the road both were set to destroy me. The wind was strong and as usually blowing into my face and the pavement was close to loose gravel. The combination of those two made the ride unexpectedly difficult. I quote a picture of a sign that warns drivers that gravel may jerked at them from other cars tires and another picture showing three different types of pavement.
Nonetheless, I biked on and on the way down I saw some abandoned antıquities that I quote.
I also quote myself. This is the way I look when I bike. In my effort to protect myself from the sun I have to use all my bandanas which I wrap around my head. No wonder why people get scared of me.
At about 20 kms before Antaliya the road turned into a real nice highway. That includes the pavement, as well as the scenery. It had three lanes in each direction and was cutting through a pine forest. See for yourselves.
I biked into Antaliya and before I did anything else I looked for a place to give Spithas a treat. I had the chain, as well as front and back wheel axis lubricated. That was at 1090 kms of riding.
After that I found a hotel. Hotel Guntar. It is the most luxurius hotel I've stayed so far. The price was less than 20 Euros. After I washed up, I rode into town. Antaliya is a really beautiful city. Its population is over a million, and its town architecture is so good that one does not feel suffocating. Its roads and avenues are really wide. I rode into the center, the port, and the "beach park," which is only comparable to Copa Cabana as I remember it.
Below is the town center with a statue of Attalus II featuring at the square.
Below are two guys you can all recognize and the view of town in the background.
Below is a view of the old port.
Below is the "beach park" strech, which, even though I do not like artificially developed beaches, I found really pleasant.
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